
The Best of All Things
So, we absolutely fell in love with Mallorca. It’s got everything – a really cool and bustling downtown area, beautiful beaches, lots of history, shopping, wineries, breathtaking mountain views, old villages, EVERYTHING! Honestly, we were looking for flight deals to go back as soon as we got home. It’s definitely way up there on our list of top recommended places to visit.
Amazing Roads to Explore
Josh is a bit of a car guy and he loves when we stumble upon a well maintained winding mountain road. He enjoys whipping the car around each turn and pushing it to it’s limit while I vomit from the passenger window. The mountains in Mallorca have perfect roads for just such driving. That said, I do not advocate unsafe driving. While they can be really fun, these are still dangerous mountain roads and have many cyclists and other drivers along the route so be respectful and responsible while enjoying the twists and turns.

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