Day Trip to Toledo
Just north of Madrid is a mountain village called Toledo. We caught a train which dropped us off right outside of town and then we hiked up to the village. We had the best time exploring the streets and shops. Then we came across a zipline that crossed the river. Josh chose to walk across the bridge but I took the more fun zipline across. We ended the day by walking the circuitous road that encircles Toledo. From there we had really great views of the village and beyond. Then we hopped on the train and headed back to Madrid.
A Flavorful City
We had some really memorable meals in Madrid. Spanish food, in general, is very delicious, creative and thoughtful. We found so many cool restaurants in Madrid ranging from posh places to casual sidewalk cafes and a grungy bar serving junk food (hotdogs, cheese fries, you know the type), my favorite! Everything we ate was incredible and my tummy is growling just remembering it.

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